The Linguasphere Register

of the world’s languages and speech communities

Chapter 2. Guide to the Register: the Referential Framework

Key to the World’s languages - La clé des langues du monde

10 sectors & 100 zones of reference for the location of & classification of languages.

10 secteurs & 100 zones de référence pour la location & la classification des langues.

Isolated languages & independent language groups,
coded within 5 GEOSECTORS comprising 25 geozones & 25 independent phylozones.

Langues isolées & groupes linguistiques indépendants,
codifiés sous 5 GÉOSECTEURS comprenant 25 géozones & 25 phylozones indépendantes.


Languages belonging to one of five major language families,
coded within 5 PHYLOSECTORS subdivided into 5 x 10 phylozones.

Langues appartenant à une des cinq familles linguistiques majeures,
codifiées sous 5 PHYLOSECTEURS sousdivisées en 5 x 10 phylozones.

See also

  • Objectives Volume 1, page 47

    The Linguasphere Register spotlights the importance of languages and multilingual communication in the future construction of a planetary, transnational society. The present volumes are designed not only to present an outline view of the linguasphere at the turn of the millennium, but also – through the Observatoire Linguistique / Linguasphere Observatory website – to stimulate the convergence and co-ordination of data and research on the world’s languages and speech communities, from the most widespread to those under threat of imminent extinction. They are equally concerned to stimulate (...)

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